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Spy Art Edition | 022 - Water of Life

Spy Art Edition | 022 - Water of Life

Without water everything would be: nothing. Like air and light, H2O is a crucial element of life in its most manifold forms. And it is not only for thriller writers that water is an immensely valuable resource that can be used in exciting stories and murderous conflicts - especially if opponents try to turn off the tap. Such extortion, however, will provoke a cascade of violence. It triggers  dramatic actions: the rooster cocks the guns. 

Thrillers sometimes work with the plot of an artificially staged drought which threatens to become a weapon of mass destruction for the country and its people. After all, every being needs its quantum of H2O. The blue tinge and the reflection in this motif by photo-artist Ralf Schellen evoke the impression of a large water surface. But could it possibly be a hidden, underground reservoir? This is contrasted by the orange above the water level and the brilliant Maghrebian knotted necklace (in which more could be hidden): Is the sun-hot shade a symbol of real drought, a desert or a mirage in the Sahara? The viewer can also interpret the curved pose of the Spy Girl as an allusion to topographic formations. In a rapid flow of thoughts, thriller aficionados who seem to know every trick in the book are likely to come across possible fictional templates, which were important sources of inspiration for Ralf Schellen.



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