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Spy Art Edition | 018 - China Calling

Spy Art Edition | 018 - China Calling

Yellow press and trash TV, social media and fake news: the enormous power of media moguls not only provides cultural critics with plenty of material for disquiet - but also thrillers the stuff of exciting, gripping stories. It is no coincidence that the Spy Girl in this motif appears as a display-beauty on a smartphone, which in this case could also be called a spy-phone. Digital media have not only revolutionized global communication, but also the tapping and eavesdropping possibilities for both secret services and aswell criminal hackers. What if a megalomaniacal media mogul had the idea not only to strive for monopolies, but also for world domination with powerful accomplices and cyber-terrorists?

In thrillers a scenario with rogue media tsars is already played through. Ralf Schellen nails two colours to the mast: China and the British seem to be involved in a mysterious conflict here. Not for nothing the protagonist is apparently an Asian agent. Is this conflict the perfidious conspiracy of a third party, a media power that wants to play off both? This is suggested by the image-bearing smartphone: "Mobile phone communication and social media have become an enormous power," says Schellen, "a dangerous power if they are misused for fake news and conspiracy theories“. Like a handily, but destructive weapon with a flat rate.



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