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Spy Art Edition | 020 - Confrontation

Spy Art Edition | 020 - Confrontation

North Korea, which former US President George W. Bush placed on the axis of evil as early as 2002, holds since a long time a peculiar fascination, not only for spy thrillers: the image of a so-called rogue state that seems to have fallen out of time. On the one hand atomic bombs and carrier rockets, on the other hand a poor, hunger-plagued population and a national isolation from the world like a huge penal camp. There is a whole series of (also) prominent thriller classics whose plot leads into the isolated red empire in the Far East - where the heroes go through breathtaking adventures and spectacular stunts. 

An (imaginary) North Korea as a film set offers in itself a tension factor pure and secretive - a role that photo artist Ralf Schellen signals with the country's star flag. The Spy Girl is in full action and, ready to fire, takes on a central role here - reminiscent of female agents who sometimes play dubious characters in cinema hits about the mysterious state system, the sides alternating between North and South, East and West. Schellen created a striking, offensive image motif that is further reinforced by the fencers' confrontational position. A duel between the opponents is imminent. When it comes to illegal arms trading, human rights violations, hacker attacks, blood diamonds or killer squads, North Korea provides the thriller authors with constant inspiration.



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